Cisco 642-732 Practise Questions, Download Latest Cisco 642-732 Exams Latest Version PDF&VCE

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Which two types of information should be included in the installation inventory portion of the post-installation report? (Choose two.)
A. All AP, controller, and MSE administrator credentials
B. The number and type of all WLAN clients and tags
C. The names, locations, IP addresses, MAC addresses, etc. for every AP, controller, and MSE in the WLAN
D. Results of the coverage audit performed with the site survey mapping tool

Correct Answer: AC Section: 5 Explanation
Which three components make up a Statement of Work? (Choose three.)
A. Post-survey recommendations
B. WLAN testing information
C. A list of changes in scope
D. Survey type
E. A list and description of locations to be surveyed.

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