Cisco 640-864 Flydumps,100% Pass Guarantee Cisco 640-864 PDF Download Latest Version PDF&VCE

New Updated Version — Where to find the newest Cisco 640-864 exam dumps to ensure your exam pass? if you want to pass exam Cisco 640-864 easily, you should download the latest updated Cisco 640-864 Flydumps for preparing. Now visit to get free pass for it sure Cisco 640-864 pdf study guide with valid Cisco 640-864 exam dumps and free vce dumps,which will help you passing Cisco 640-864 quickly!
Which queuing mechanism establishes four interface output queues that will be used for traffic scheduling?
A. Priority queuing (PQ)
B. First-in, first-out (FIFO)
C. Weighted fair queuing (WFQ)
D. Custom queuing (CQ)
Correct Answer: A
For the following items, which is an SP Edge module in the Enterprise Composite Network model?
A. Core layer
B. Edge distribution
C. Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) service
D. Server farm
Correct Answer: C

Which method will be used to secure a network against man-in-the-middle attack?

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Cisco 640-864 Practice Questions,Sale BestCisco 640-864 New Questions Is Your Best Choice

ATTENTION: Get your Cisco 640-864 certification easily with,Flydumps latest Cisco 640-864 exam dumps. All the up-to-date questions and answers were added to the new version.Go to the site to get more Cisco 640-864 exam

Which types of communicating devices compose RMON architecture ?(choose two)
A. Router
B. Switch
C. Management station
D. Monitor
Correct Answer: CD
Which FCAPS function includes finding network problems that reduce availability?
A. Security management
B. Accounting management
C. Fault management
D. Performance management

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 153
What is the name of the organization that isin charge of creating the FCAPS architecture?

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[The Newest Dumps] Real Cisco 640-864 exam dumps revised by experts, they were updated with the change of the Cisco 640-864 ,covering all the whole aspects of Cisco exam. Just have a training of Flydumps Cisco 640-864 exam questions to guarantee your 100% pass

Which three factors best justify WAN link redundancy between geographically dispersed sites? (Choose three.)
A. high expense of transmitting data
B. important traffic flows
C. excessive packet transmission rate
D. uncertain reliability
E. high link utilization
F. lack of speed

Correct Answer: BDF
Which three pieces of information should be documented for each step of each phase in a design implementation plan? (Choose three.)
A. easy guidelines in case of failure
B. estimated rollback time in case of failure
C. simple implementation guidelines
D. estimated implementation time
E. design document references
F. step description

Correct Answer: DEF
The topology map in the draft design document should cover which two layers of the OSI model? (Choose two.)
“Pass Any Exam. Any Time.” – 27
A. session
B. data link
C. transport
D. application
E. physical
F. network

Correct Answer: EF
In a Cisco CatOS switch, what is the recommended practice when configuring switch-to-switch intercommunications to carry multiple VLANsfor Dynamic Trunk Protocol?

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