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Exam A
The Certkiller A router is configured as shown below:
Certkiller A(config)# interface loopback 0
Certkiller A(config-if)# ip address
As a result of this change, which of the statements below are true? (Select all valid responses)

A. It creates a virtual, software only, interface.
B. It provides a way to test the convergence of OSPF routing updates.
C. The mask of is called a host mask.
D. It uses a wildcard mask of
E. It ensures that an interface is always active for OSPF processes.
F. Loopback interfaces must be numbered 0.
Correct Answer: ACE
Which IEEE standards apply when a company wants to implement 1000mbps Ethernet? (Select two options)?
A. 802.3u
B. 802.3ae
C. 802.3ab
D. 802.3e
E. 802.3z
F. 802.3i
Correct Answer: CE
You are a technician at Certkiller . Your newly appointed Certkiller trainee wants you to give her some
examples of crosstalk.
What would your reply be? (Choose all that apply.)

A. near-end crosstalk (NEXT)
B. jitter crosstalk (JEXT)
C. far end crosstalk (FEXT)
D. middle closed-end crosstalk (MCEXT)
E. power sum near-end crosstalk (PSNEXT)
Correct Answer: ACE
You are a technician at Certkiller . Your newly appointed Certkiller trainee wants to know what the valid
options for Frame LMI types are.
What would your reply be? (Choose all that apply.)

B. Q.932
C. q933a

E. Cisco
F. ansi
Correct Answer: CEF QUESTION 5
The Sales and Production networks are separated by a router as shown in the diagram below:

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the characteristics of the above networks broadcast and collision domains? (Select the two best answer choices)
A. There are two broadcast domains in the network.
B. There are four broadcast domains in the network.
C. There are six broadcast domains in the network.
D. There are four collision domains in the network.
E. There are five collision domains in the network.
F. There are seven collision domains in the network.
Correct Answer: AF
The Certkiller corporate LAN consists of one large flat network. You decide to segment this LAN into two separate networks with a router. What will be the affect of this change?
A. The number of broadcast domains will be decreased.
B. It will make the broadcasting of traffic between domains more efficient between segments.
C. It will increase the number of collisions.
D. It will prevent segment 1’s broadcasts from getting to segment 2.
E. It will connect segment 1’s broadcasts to segment 2.
Correct Answer: D

Cisco 640-811 tests containing questions that cover all sides of tested subjects that help our members to be prepared and keep high level of professionalism. The main purpose of Cisco 640-811 exam is to provide high quality test that can secure and verify knowledge, give overview of question types and complexity that can be represented on real exam certification
Which of the following are benefits of segmenting a network with a router? (Select all that apply)
A. Broadcasts are not forwarded across the router.
B. All broadcasts are completely eliminated.
C. Adding a router to the network decreases latency.
D. Filtering can occur based on Layer 3 information.
E. Routers are more efficient than switches and will process the data more quickly.
F. None of the above.
Correct Answer: AD
The Certkiller Texas branch network is displayed in the following diagram:

Of the following choices, which IP address should be assigned to the PC host?
Correct Answer: C
The Certkiller .com network is displayed in the diagram below:

Based on the diagram above, how many collision domains are present in the Certkiller .com network??
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. Five
F. Six
G. Fourteen
Correct Answer: B
You have the binary number 10011101. Convert it to its decimal and hexadecimal equivalents. (Select two answer choices)
A. 158
B. 0x9D

C. 156
D. 157
E. 0x19
F. 0x9F

Correct Answer: BD
How would the number 231 be expressed as a binary number?
A. 11011011
B. 11110011
C. 11100111
D. 11111001
E. 11010011
Correct Answer: C
How would the number 172 be expressed in binary form?
A. 10010010
B. 10011001
C. 10101100
D. 10101110
Correct Answer: C
The MAC address for your PC NIC is: C9-3FB4-DC-19. What is the address of the OUI portion of this NIC card, expressed as a binary number?
A. 11001100-00111111-00011000
B. 11000110-11000000-00011111
C. 11001110-00011111-01100000
D. 11001001-00111111-00110010
E. 11001100-01111000-00011000
F. 11111000-01100111-00011001
Correct Answer: D

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