Cisco 642-732 Practise Questions, Download Latest Cisco 642-732 Exams Latest Version PDF&VCE

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Which two types of information should be included in the installation inventory portion of the post-installation report? (Choose two.)
A. All AP, controller, and MSE administrator credentials
B. The number and type of all WLAN clients and tags
C. The names, locations, IP addresses, MAC addresses, etc. for every AP, controller, and MSE in the WLAN
D. Results of the coverage audit performed with the site survey mapping tool

Correct Answer: AC Section: 5 Explanation
Which three components make up a Statement of Work? (Choose three.)
A. Post-survey recommendations
B. WLAN testing information
C. A list of changes in scope
D. Survey type
E. A list and description of locations to be surveyed.
F. Confirmation of timeline and cost
G. A list of equipment required to perform network analysis

Correct Answer: DEF Section: 5 Explanation
You have completed a WLAN site survey for a customer. Which two pieces of information will need to be included in the final customer report? (Choose two.)
A. Client association report
B. Client inventory
C. Printed cable scan certification results
D. Map location of all APs and controllers
E. WCS device inventory report of only the AP, WLC, and location server (MSE)

Correct Answer: CD Section: 5 Explanation
When designing for location services, how many APs should be heard by each location-ready AP and at what dBm signal level? (Choose two.)
A. At least 1 to 2 APs at a signal level of -67 dBm or better
B. No more than 3 APs at a signal level of -72 dBm or better
C. At least 5 to 6 APs at a signal level of -75 dBm or better
D. At least three and preferably four at a signal level of -75 dBm or better
E. As many APs as possible at a signal level of -72 dBm or better
Correct Answer: CD Section: 5 Explanation

When designing a WLAN, AP placement is important. How would you rank the density of APs needed to support location services versus data and voice services?
A. Voice and data services both require a higher density of APs than location services.
B. Data services have a lower density of APs compared to location services, but more than voice.
C. Voice services have the highest density of APs over location and data services.
D. Data services have the lowest density of APs compared to location services, which has the highest density.

Correct Answer: D Section: 5 Explanation

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