Cisco 640-864 Flydumps,100% Pass Guarantee Cisco 640-864 PDF Download Latest Version PDF&VCE

New Updated Version — Where to find the newest Cisco 640-864 exam dumps to ensure your exam pass? if you want to pass exam Cisco 640-864 easily, you should download the latest updated Cisco 640-864 Flydumps for preparing. Now visit to get free pass for it sure Cisco 640-864 pdf study guide with valid Cisco 640-864 exam dumps and free vce dumps,which will help you passing Cisco 640-864 quickly!
Which queuing mechanism establishes four interface output queues that will be used for traffic scheduling?
A. Priority queuing (PQ)
B. First-in, first-out (FIFO)
C. Weighted fair queuing (WFQ)
D. Custom queuing (CQ)
Correct Answer: A
For the following items, which is an SP Edge module in the Enterprise Composite Network model?
A. Core layer
B. Edge distribution
C. Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) service
D. Server farm
Correct Answer: C

Which method will be used to secure a network against man-in-the-middle attack?
A. Two-factor authentication
B. Management module
C. Encryption
D. Firewall
Correct Answer: C

Which parameters does the computation of the EIGRP composite metric use by default?
A. Bandwidth and reliability
B. Bandwidth and load
C. Bandwidth and maximum transmission unit (MTU)
D. Bandwidth and delay
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 18
Which item is not a true disadvantage of the full-mesh topology?
A. Central hub router represents a single point of failure in the network.
B. High level of complexity to implement.
C. Large number of packet replications required.
D. High costs due to number of virtual circuits.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 19
Which IPv4 field are the precedence bits located in?
A. IP destination address
B. Type-of-service field
C. IP options field
D. IP protocol field

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 20
Which hierarchical layer has functions such as High availability, port security, and rate limiting?
A. Core
B. Access
C. Network
D. Distribution

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 21
Which is the maximum segment distance for Fast Ethernet over unshielded twisted-pair (UTP)?
A. 285 feet
B. 100 feet
C. 500 feet
D. 100 meters

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 22
SNMP is short for Simple Network Management Protocol. Which version or versions of SNMP specify security extensions as part of the protocol definition?

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 23
Which H.323 protocol is in charge of call setup and signaling?
B. H.245
C. G.711
D. H.225

Correct Answer: D
How often does a RIPv1 router broadcast its routing table by default?
A. Every 90 seconds.
B. Every 30 seconds.
C. Every 60 seconds.
D. RIPv1 does not broadcast periodically.
Correct Answer: B

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