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Which default value do the Job Code table and Location table have in common?
A. Salary Plan
B. Work Period
C. Tax Location
D. Standard Hours
E. Establishment ID
Answer: A
QUESTION: 2 Which three statements describe the benefits of using tableset sharing in the PeopleSoft system? (Choose three.)
A. Tableset sharing uses SetID to restrict or grant access to data within a table.
B. Tableset sharing allows organizations to track and report business information.
C. Tableset sharing enables organizations to group rows of data within a control table by using a high-level key called a SetID.
D. Tableset sharing uses Department ID in conjunction with department security tree to restrict or grant access to data within a table.
E. Tableset sharing enables organizations to utilize indexing capabilities on mapped records for faster search results on employee data.
F. Tableset sharing enables organizations to share information instead of entering it multiple times, when large portions of data are the same for various business units.
Answer: A, C, F
QUESTION: 3 On the Job Data Work Location tab for a new hire, Company is a required field. You can default Company from the table.
A. Location
B. Job Code
C. Position Data
D. Business Unit
E. Holiday Schedule
Answer: C
QUESTION: 4 View the Exhibits.
Your client wants to set up a new department called ABC Headquarter for their newly acquired company ABC. The client shares the department and location information cross all business units. The HR Administrator has checked that the location code ABCHQ showed up under the Location Table Search Result page under SetID “Share”. However, when she tried to attach this location code to the new department she is trying to create, she got the error message. Which two setups may have caused the error message to be displayed? (Choose two.)
A. The Location SetID may not be valid for this department.
B. The Department may have an earlier Effective Date than the Location.
C. The Location and the Department may not belong to the same Business Unit.
D. The Location may have been inactivated before the Department’s Effective Date.
E. The Location may not be associated with the proper company that the department is attached to.
F. The TableSet Control table may not be set up correctly for the Record_Group Location and the Record_Group Department.
Answer: B, D
QUESTION: 5 Your client is implementing PeopleSoft HRMS system with Payroll Interface. The client is to start configuring Pay Group table. What table value should exist in the system before configuring Pay Groups?
A. Location
B. Company
C. Salary Plan
D. Salary Step
E. Salary Grade
F. Additional Pay
Answer: B
QUESTION: 6 Which PeopleSoft table do you use to identify a group of employees who share common pay characteristics?
A. Job Code Table
B. Company Table
C. Pay Group Table
D. Salary Plan Table
E. Salary Grade Tables
F. Comp Rate Code Table
Answer: C
QUESTION: 7 You are at your client site working on PeopleSoft HRMS implementation. One of your tasks is to add systemwide defaults in order to save time when a user is entering information in transaction tables. Identify which field is NOT a default option in the Org Default by Permission List component.
A. SetID
B. Country
C. Company
D. To Currency
E. Business Unit
F. Compensation Frequency
Answer: F
QUESTION: 8 Your organization has decided to use a department security tree for Row-Level security in PeopleSoft HRMS system. You decided to use the XYZ permission list to secure data using the Security by Department Tree component. Which step do you need to perform to ensure that Row-Level security is enforced?
A. Add the XYZ permission list to User Profile.
B. Add the XYZ permission list to Security Set.
C. Add the XYZ permission list to Tree Manager.
D. Add the XYZ permission list to Configuration Manager.
E. Add the XYZ permission list to a role and then assign that role to a user.
Answer: A
QUESTION: 9 Using a Permission List associated with a user and identifying security sets and access types in the Security by Permission List component of PeopleSoft are known as .
A. Role-based data permission security
B. Tree-based data permission security
C. Group-based data permission security
D. Country-based data permission security
E. PeopleCode-based data permission security
Answer: A
QUESTION: 10 Your organization has decided to implement row-level security. You suggested securing data by associating the company with people having jobs. This method of securing data is known as .
A. Access Type / Role
B. Permission List / Role
C. Security set / Access Type
D. Security set / Permission List
E. Permission List / User Profile
F. Access Type / Permission List
Answer: C
QUESTION: 11 Adam is entering new hire information in the PeopleSoft system. Adam enters the new hire personal information and creates the organizational relationship of the new hire as EMPLOYEE. After Adam establishes the new hire’s relationship with the organization, the system opens the JOB DATA page for Adam to enter the new hires job-related information. Adam decides to complete the new hires job-related information after his lunch break and cancels out of the JOB DATA page. What must be Adam’s approach to successfully complete the new hire’s job-related information in the PeopleSoft system after his break?
A. Enter job-related information using Job Data component.
B. Complete both personal information and job information at the same time.
C. Enter job-related information using the Add Employment Instance component.
D. Run SJT refresh process first and then enter job-related information using Job Data component.
E. Run SJTrefresh process first and then enter job-related information using the Add Employment Instance component.
Answer: C
QUESTION: 12 What should you do when system performance is affected and you no longer want to maintain all employee records on the Job table?
A. Purge employee data from the system.
B. UsePeopleCode to hide data on the Job Data page.
C. Access the Job Data page in Correct History mode and change the status to Inactive.
D. Insert a new effective dated row on the Job Data page and change the status to Inactive.
E. Change the description field on the Job Data page to state that this row is no longer active.
Answer: A
Which three fields default from the Department table to the employee job data level?
(Choose three.)
A. Grade
B. Location
C. Company
D. Pay Group
E. Business Unit
F. Supervisor ID
G. Employee Type
Answer: B, C, F
Identify the three types of organizational relationships that PeopleSoft HCM 9.0 has.
(Choose three.)
A. Trustee
B. Employee
C. Contractor
D. Board Member
E. Person of Interest
F. Contingent Worker
G. Global Payroll Employee
Answer: B, E, F
QUESTION: 15 PeopleSoft HCM 9.0 has several pages where you can access the Add a Person component. Identify four components that have an option to Add a Person. (Choose four.)
A. Job Data
B. Other Payee
C. Add a Person
D. Manage Hires
E. Modify a Person
F. Add Employment Instance Answer: B, C, D, E
QUESTION: 16 On the Add a Person page in PeopleSoft HCM 9.0, you can input all information about a person EXCEPT for these four details: . (Choose four.)
A. Ethnic Group
B. Bank Account
C. Military Status
D. Badge Number
E. Smoker History
F. Emergency Contact
G. Driver License Number
Answer: B, D, F, G
QUESTION: 17 Your client is using PeopleSoft HCM 9.0. It wants to pay some of its existing Persons of Interest (POIs). Which page in PeopleSoft do they use to set up their POIs for payment?
A. Job Data
B. Other Payee
C. Modify a Person
D. Add a POI Relationship
E. Maintain a Person’s POIReltn
Answer: B
QUESTION: 18 Your client has North American Payroll and Global Payroll. When adding an employment instance for a new hire, your client selects a payroll system to use for processing the employee’s payroll. Depending on which payroll system is selected, the input field names displayed would differ on the Payroll page except for two field names. Identify the two field names that are displayed on the Payroll page for both payroll systems. (Choose two.)
A. Paygroup
B. GL Pay Type
C. Eligibility Group
D. Employee Type
E. Holiday Schedule
F. Exchange Rate Type
Answer: A, E
QUESTION: 19 Which four components can be used to add a job instance for a person in PeopleSoft HCM 9.0? (Choose four.)
A. Manage Hires
B. Modify a Person
C. Add Employment Instance
D. Add Person of Interest Job
E. Add Contingent Worker Instance
Answer: A, C, D, E
QUESTION: 20 After inputting a department in Job Data, which four additional fields could be populated based on the defaults defined on the Department table? (Choose four.)
A. Location
B. Company
C. Paygroup
D. Tax Location
E. Business Unit
F. Supervisor ID
G. Establishment ID
Answer: A, B, D, F
QUESTION: 21 While you are entering a new hire into Job Data, you come to the Salary Plan page. You notice that the Salary Step field is populated. From which table did the default value come from?
A. Location
B. Job Code
C. Paygroup
D. Company
E. Department
Answer: B
Your client has a contractor, who is already set up in PeopleSoft as a Contingent Worker.
It wants to hire the contractor as an employee. Which statement is true concerning its Job
Data setup?
A. A new Employee Record Number is created for the Employment Instance.
B. The Employment Instance is added to the same Employee Record Number.
C. The Contingent Work Instance has to be deleted before adding the Employment Instance.
D. The Contingent Work Instance has to be terminated before adding the Employment Instance.
Answer: A
QUESTION: 23 In which three scenarios would PeopleSoft create a new Employee Record Number (ERN)? (Choose three.)
A. when you assign a worker to a new position using the Job Data component
B. when you add an additional job to an employee or contingent worker using the Add Additional Assignment component
C. when you assign a worker to a full-time temporary assignment on the Job Data component and the system suspends the substantive job
D. when you add another organizational instance for a worker using the Add Employment Instance or Add Contingent Worker Instance component
Answer: B, C, D
Identify two true statements regarding Temporary Assignments in PeopleSoft HCM 9.0.
(Choose two.)
A. Only the temporary assignment can be paid.
B. Both the temporary assignment and original instance can be paid.
C. The data on the existing employment record is kept active for the duration of the temporary one.
D. The original instance is copied to a temporary employment record and is kept in a suspended status.
Answer: A, D
Identify two components where temporary assignments can be created for a worker.
(Choose two.)
A. Job Data
B. Other Payee
C. Add Additional Assignment
D. Add Employment Instance
E. Add Contingent Worker Instance
Answer: A, C
QUESTION: 26 A new Employment Record Number (ERN) was created erroneously. The ERN Delete Process can be used to remove the erroneous record. Which are the three processes that this component checks before allowing the deletion of the ERN? (Choose three.)
A. Payroll
B. Training
C. Benefits
D. User Profile
E. Time Reporting
Answer: A, C, E
QUESTION: 27 Which three types of transactions can you use Template-Based Hire to process? (Choose three.)
A. Hire Employee
B. Rehire Employee
C. Add POI with Jobs
D. Mass Terminations
E. Add Contingent Workers
F. Mass Department changes
Answer: A, B, E
QUESTION: 28 Your client has several positions that have high turnover. In hiring employees, it is spending a lot of time entering repetitive information during the hiring process. It wants to use Template-Based Hire Process to speed up the data entry for these positions. The Template-Based Hire Process streamlines repetitive data entry on the page.
A. Job Data
B. Personal Data
C. Bank Accounts
D. Emergency Contact
E. Employee Tax Data
Answer: A
Identify the four main components in setting up hiring templates. (Choose four.)
A. Copy Template
B. Template Section
C. Template Creation
D. Template Record/Field
E. Template Category Table
Answer: B, C, D, E
QUESTION: 30 Which template setup page defines what an end user can do when the person whose information is being processed already exists in the system?
A. Sections
B. Configuration
C. Person Rules
D. Template Creation
E. Template Section Setup
F. Template Section Field Configuration
Answer: C
QUESTION: 31 When hiring a person using the template-based hire feature, you choose the Save for Later option. What is the hiring status that is assigned to the transaction?
A. Draft
B. Pending Hire
C. Save for Later
D. Hire in Progress
Answer: A
QUESTION: 32 Identify three components that the HR administrator uses to administer template-based hires. (Choose three.)
A. Manage Hires
B. Error Transaction
C. Manage Hire Details
D. Template-Based Hire
E. Template-Based Hire Status
Answer: A, B, C
Identify two true statements regarding the Manage Hire page. (Choose two.)
A. The Manage Hire page shows completed template hires.
B. The Manage Hire page is used by the HR administrator role.
C. The Manage Hire page is administered by Technical Support.
D. The Manage Hire page shows applicants submitted from the recruiting process.
Answer: B, D
Employee # 4321 just got married and you need to update the information in PeopleSoft. Which two paths can you follow to insert a row and update the information? (Choose two.)
A. Workforce Administration > Citizenship, enter employee id #
B. Workforce Administration > Personal Relationships, enter employee id #
C. Workforce Administration > Organization Relationships, enter employee id #
D. Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Modify a Person, enter employee id #
E. Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Biographical > Modify a Person, enter employee id #
Answer: D, E
QUESTION: 35 An employee was recently given a transfer of department, and along with the transfer the employee’s supervisor changed. Which two pages on Job Data need to be updated with an inserted row?
A. Job Information & Payroll
B. Work Location & Job Labor
C. Work Location & Salary Plan
D. Job Information & Salary Plan
E. Work Location & Job Information
Answer: E
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