Cisco 646-580 Practice Exam, Buy Cisco 646-580 Certification Exams UP To 50% Off

Review all FLYDUMPS Cisco 646-580 exam sample questions carefully, we guarantee you wiil pass the Cisco 646-580 exam for you first attempt and get the Cisco 646-580 Certification successed. The only thing you need to do just is memorizing all the FLYDUMPS Cisco exam questions and answers. There are number of IT certifications popular today, on account of their market potential in the field of Information technology. Cisco 646-580 exam is one of these popular certifications which remain the preference of all IT professionals who want to improve their career opportunities.

What does not need to be considered in regard to the customer’s workflow?
A. how the customer securely accesses the online software solutions
B. the number of antivirus products that are in use on the customer’s network
C. how the service partner can securely use outsourced engineers
D. how the service engineer accesses customer and service company information
Answer: B

Which three statements accurately describe the evolution of the workplace and its impact on security? (Choose three.)
A. Mobility causes location borders to shift.
B. Cloud services cause end-user locations to shift.
C. Cloud services cause application borders to shift.
D. IT consumerization causes location borders to shift.
E. IT consumerization causes device borders to shift.
Answer: A,B,E

QUESTION NO: 4 Which two statements best describe the challenges that customers encounter when providing services in a borderless world? (Choose two.)
A. how to secure standardized end-user equipment
B. how to manage security
C. how to access cloud applications and data securely
D. how to secure access within the company network
E. the type of WAN to deploy
Answer: B,C

What are two security effects of BYOD? (Choose two.)
A. TCO is reduced because employees use their privately owned devices.
B. Corporate content must be secured on devices that are owned by employees.
C. Numerous new devices must be securely integrated into the corporate infrastructure.
D. Corporate users expect the same look and feel when using their own devices.
Answer: B,C

Which statement best describes the impact of cloud applications?
A. Moving applications to the cloud simplifies security.
B. Access to cloud applications is only possible from dedicated endpoints.
C. There is no need to inspect data coming from the cloud for malicious content.
D. Using cloud services causes loss of control, which needs to be addressed by additional security measures.
Answer: D

A. IPsec is an integrated part of IPv6 and, therefore, all IP-related security threats are eliminated when using an IPv6-only network.
B. Existing IPv4 firewalls can secure IPv6 traffic if IPv6 is tunneled over IPv4.
C. Existing IPv4 firewalls can secure IPv6 traffic unless IPv6 is tunneled over IPv4.
D. Endpoints that tunnel IPv6 over IPv4 can traverse firewalls without inspection of the IPv6 traffic.
Answer: D

What is a major challenge in the retail market?
A. supply chain reduction
B. enabling IPsec VPN connectivity to the customers
C. securing critical data, such as payment information
D. sharing confidential content with customers
Answer: C

What are two requirements to enable centralized PoS applications? (Choose two.)
A. physical security at the stores
B. IP surveillance at the stores
C. secure network infrastructure
D. implementing intrusion prevention at the network edge of the stores
E. reliable and highly available network infrastructure
Answer: C,E

A. managing global supply chains
B. creating a comprehensive learning experience
C. securing online payment information
D. sharing confidential content with a large audience
Answer: B

What are two challenges that are specific to the education market? (Choose two.)
A. share confidential content securely with a large audience
B. create a comprehensive learning experience
C. manage global supply chains
D. high capital expenditure
E. global competition
Answer: A,B

Which vertical segment is most affected by operating regulatory requirements?
A. education
B. finance
C. manufacturing
D. retail
Answer: B


A. change of market trends
B. change of competition
C. change of application software version
D. change of relative strengths
E. change of networking equipment in the network
F. change of ISP
G. change of internal collaboration solutions
Answer: A,B,D

What are two common requirements of most tasks in business processes? (Choose two.)
A. interaction
B. sharing office spaces
C. collaboration
D. globalization
E. managing external resources
Answer: A,C

Which statement correctly describes the relevance of security within a business process?
A. In order to create a streamlined business process, all devices and applications must be integrated securely and reliably.
B. Each business process on its own relies on a small fragment of the overall security

C. Operations are a key enabler of security.
D. Security is influenced by quality, performance, cost, and time of a business process.
Answer: A

Free practice questions for Cisco exam.These questions are aimed at giving you an idea of the type of questions you can expect on the actual exam.You will get an idea of the level of knowledge each topic goes into but because these are simple web pages you will not see the interactive and performance based questions – those are available in the Cisco 646-580.