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How should I learn Citrix 1Y0-A19 dumps? The 1Y0-A19 Dumps Citrix XenDesktop 5 Basic Administration exam is associated with the Citrix certification and with the pass4itsure Citrix specialist. Pass4itsure experts regularly update our 1Y0-A19 dumps, 1Y0-A19 study materials with new questions and explanations as soon as they becomeavailable. This exam tests a candidate’s knowledge of Identifying Pre-installation Requirements; Setting up the Infrastructure; Configuring a XenDesktop Environment; Managing a XenDesktop Environment; Troubleshooting. It keeps excellent information on IT Certifications and provides the current data. This pass4itsure 1Y0-A19 dumps exam exam tests a candidate’s ability to develop network applications in the Citrix XenDesktop 5 Basic Administration environment. At first you can free download part of exercises questions and answers about Citrix certification 1Y0-A19 exam on pass4itsure as a try, so that you can check the reliability of our product.

Exam Code: 1Y0-A19
Exam Name: Citrix XenDesktop 5 Basic Administration
Q&As: 90

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Latest and Most Accurate Pass4itsure 1Y0-A19 Dumps Exam Q&As(27-43)

Which two terns are needed for an administrator to create a catalog for existing machines in a XenDesktop environment? (Choose two.)
A. Virtual machines available in the datacenter
B. Active Directory computer accounts for the machines
C. Device collections configured to load the vDisk over the network
D. A PrtMs.on.ng services deployment with a vDisk imaged from the master target device
1Y0-A19 exam Correct Answer: AB

Which two components must an administrator install on a master image that will be used for streamed machines? (Choose two.)
A. Receiver
B. Online plug-in
C. Virtual Desktop Agent
D. Provisioning services target device
Correct Answer: CD

An administrator made changes to a vDisk image and now needs the vDisk to use the original image instead of the updated image. How could the administrator accomplish this task?
A. Unmount the vDisk, create a copy of the image, apply the rollback file to the copy, remount the vDisk and change the Class and Type of the vDisk
B. Copy the rollback file to the updates folder, use the ‘Schedule Automatic Disk Updates’ option and select ‘Check for incremental updates’ on the server
C. Apply the delta file to the updated image, use the ‘Enable Automatic Update for this vDisk1 option and select ‘Check for automatic updates’ on the save
D. Put the vDisk in Private image mode, change the version numbers back to the original vDisk image version numbers and put the vDisk back in standard image mode
1Y0-A19 dumps Correct Answer: B

Which two components does Citrix recommend an administrator install on a master image for optimal application access? (Choose two.)
A. Online plug-in
B. Offline plug-in
C. EdgeSight agent
D. provisioning services target device
Correct Answer: AB

How can an administrator reallocate an assigned virtual desktop to a new employee?
A. Edit the desktop group, go to the users page and add the new employee.
B. Search for the desktop in Desktop Director, edit the desktop and add the new employee.
C. Select the appropriate catalog, find the machine in the catalog and add the new employee.
D. Find the appropriate desktop in the desktop group, click on `Change user’ and add the new employee.
1Y0-A19 pdf Correct Answer: D

In Desktop Director, which filter shows an administrator the number of end users connected to a certain desktop group within a XenDesktop environment?
A. View All within the machine panel
B. View the desktop group in the usage panel
C. View connections in the infrastructure panel
D. View real time data in the desktop group details panel
Correct Answer: B

An administrator was informed by multiple users who access desktops in a desktop group that the time on
the desktops is incorrect. How can the administrator fix the time on the desktops?
A. Edit the desktop group and change the time zone in ‘Edit user settings’
B. Put the desktops in maintenance mode and then change the time zone on each desktop.
C. Edit the catalog that was used to create the desktop group with the correct time for the desktops.
D. Put the vDisk image used by the desktops in Private image mode then change the time on the image.
1Y0-A19 vce Correct Answer: A

Which policy takes precedence when a Citrix policy contradicts an Active Directory GPO policy?
A. The Citrix policy
B. The higher priority policy
C. The most restrictive policy
D. The Active Directory GPO policy
Correct Answer: D

Which two tools can an administrator use to modify policy settings in a XenDesktop environment? (Choose two.)
A. Desktop Studio
B. System Registry
C. Desktop Director
D. Group Policy Editor
1Y0-A19 exam Correct Answer: AD

Which administrative role can manage catalogs and build virtual desktops?
A. Machine administrator
B. Help desk administrator
C. Read-only administrator
D. Desktop group administrator
Correct Answer: A

An administrator configured the automatic disk image update feature, but has since noticed that changes
o vDisks are not being replicated automatically. What could be a reason for this behavior?
A. The vDisk assigned to the target devices are in private image mode.
B. The target devices need to be reconfigured to point to the new vDisk files.
C. The target device has NOT restarted since the changes were applied to the vDisk.
D. There is more than one vDisk from the same Provisioning services host with the same Class.
1Y0-A19 dumps Correct Answer: C

Scenario: A customer needs to configure a XenDesktop environment so that an end user has the best experience when launching a virtual desktop. The environment needs to be configured with fault tolerance so that when a XenServer goes down for maintenance the target device can still be deployed by any XenServer with the least load. Currently, the customer has a XenServer pool consisting of 16 XenServer hosts with 8 GB of memory and a 2 TB SATA hard disk A 2 TB Fibre Channel Storage Area Network is attached to the XenServer.The Provisioning services host is configured on a stand-alone server with 8 GB of memory and three 500 GB SCSI hard disks configured as a RAID 5 configuration. What is the best write caching method for deploying 800 target devices within a XenServer pool?
A. Cache on the target device and redirect to the RAM of the target device.
B. Cache on the Provisioning services host and redirect the cache on the local file system.
C. Cache on the target device and redirect the cache on a share within the Fibre Channel storage repository.
D. Cache on the Provisioning services host and redirect the cache on a share within the Fibre Channel storage repository.
Correct Answer: C

In a Provisioning services environment, what is the default location of the write cache if no location is specified manually?
A. RAM of the target device
B. Local drive of the target device
C. A subdirectoryinthe vDisk location
D. A subdirectory in the default Provisioning services installation path
1Y0-A19 exam Correct Answer: C

An administrator is planning a XenDestop 5 Quick Deploy to demonstrate superior end user experience. What would be considered when planning the Quick Deploy?
A. SQL Sewer 2008 R2 should first be instated and configured on the server that will run the Controller.
B. The SQL Server 2005 database for the XenDesktop site should be located on the same subnet as the Controller.
C. The hypervisor should on the same subnet as the SQL Server 2008 R2 database for the XenDesktop site.
D. SQL Express 2008 R2 should be installed as a prerequisite on the Controller running Microsoft Windows Server 2008.
Correct Answer: D

Scenario: A company has two sites about 3000 miles apart, one in New York and the other in Los Angeles. Each site has 1500 users. XenDesktop site access must be available for all the users at both locations. High availability is required so no single port of failure is acceptable. A minimum of _______XenDesktop Controller(s) and _________Provisioning services host(s) are necessary to support all 3000 users given the requirements. (Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.)
A. 1,1
B. 2,2
C. 3,3
D. 4,4
1Y0-A19 dumps Correct Answer: D

According to Citrix best practices, which storage type should an administrator use to set up a XenDesktop environment using XenServer?
D. Clustered Shared Volume
Correct Answer: A

Which three storage types can XenServer use for the virtual machine disks if migrating virtual machines without downtime is required? (Choose three)
D. Local Disk
E. Fibre Channel
1Y0-A19 pdf Correct Answer: BCE

The Citrix 1Y0-A19 dumps exam is an important one for the Citrix certification. Many IT professionals prefer to add 1Y0-A19 dumps, the certification strengthens the employment prospects and opens up myriads of opportunities for them. It is also known as the Citrix XenDesktop 5 Basic Administration certification. Choosing pass4itsure to participate in Citrix certification 1Y0-A19 exam is a wise choice, because if you have a Citrix 1Y0-A19 authentication certificate, your salary and job position will be improved quickly and then your living standard will provide at the same time. After you pass it you are on your way to get the complete Citrix certification that assesses how pass4itsure teams can effectively position Citrix 1Y0-A19 dumps in the Citrix Data Center.

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